MCK Official who is an upcoming artist and famously known for his big tune, Mpe Muda has come out as gay. Speaking in an interview with Xtian Dela on his You Tube channel, MCK Official said that he has come out in a way of shinning a light on what is termed in the society as to be wrong. He also says that the church should accept that Gaysim and Lesbianism is happening in the 21st century and instead of discriminating this people, they should find solutions on how to deal with such cases. He also says that because of all this, people will stop playing his music but he believes it’s his music that preaches and blesses people and what he sings is what is going to impact the people, take the good from him and what you feel is bad do not take it. MCK Official says that he has decided to fight for the rights of others in the LGBT community. He adds that people should stop hiding and that he is there to support them.
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January 2020
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